Sugarbush Hill Maple Farm

A world of maple heritage and history awaits you at Sugarbush Hill Maple Farm.To truly understand present day maple sugaring one must understand the scope of maple sugaring from the past. What better way to do this than to examine its rich history through the viewing of maple sugaring antiques and artifacts. At Sugarbush Hill the collection of maple sugaring items that date back decades and even centuries are both interesting and educational.
If you’re around Muskoka during the sugaring season, the months of March and April, and you see the steam rising from our cupola then you know we’re hard at work boiling our sap into syrup. You’re welcome to drop in and catch all the action from above, literally, on our maple observation deck. Interested in a Sugarhouse Tour? From May-October, led by owner and maple syrup aficionado Sugarbush Tom, the complete maple process is explained with the various steps of how maple syrup is made, starting with the sap coming from the trees to finishing in the maple kitchen with tastings of our syrup and various maple value added products. One of the largest maple antique and artifact collections in all of Ontario are also on display and seen throughout the maple tour with some of their histories discussed for your added in-depth enjoyment. Our maple shop is available for your maple purchases and gift giving needs if desired. The duration of our maple tour is approximately 75-90 minutes.
For complete details about the sugaring season, sugarhouse tours availability details, as well as what there is to see and do at Sugarbush Hill during their operating season, please follow the link provided to their website.