Clapperton’s Maple Syrup

Clapperton’s Maple Syrup is the 2019 World Champion Maple Syrup winner at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, and recipient of the John David Eaton World Championship Cup, as well as the winner of the category “Canada Grade A, Amber/Rich Taste”.
We sell jugs of various sizes from 100 mL to 4L, and glass maple leaf bottles in 100 mL and 250 mL sizes. We also take wholesale and bulk orders and can ship our syrup directly to you. We are a family run business that started making maple syrup in the spring of 2000 on our 200 acre farm located in Loring, Ontario. We are proud to be part of a long family and community tradition of making maple syrup. We currently have 3000 taps and produce an average of 2800 litres of maple syrup per year.
For more information please visit our Facebook page.