Bethune Memorial House

Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site of Canada commemorates the life and achievements of Dr. Henry Norman Bethune. A battlefront surgeon, promoter of public health care, inventor, teacher and artist, Dr. Bethune is most famous for the last two years of his life, which were spent in China, serving as a surgeon and teacher. Generations after his death, his story continues to be taught to millions of Chinese students.
The museum is open seasonally from June 1-October 31. Explore the restored 1890 birthplace and the new Visitor Centre to uncover clues as to what led a small-town boy to become a renowned battle-front surgeon and how that story nurtured Canada’s reputation as a society with a conscience. Special activities and events are also run throughout the season at the museum, so be sure to check out our website for a complete listing. Be inspired by Canada’s history and remember it for a lifetime.