Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame

Canada has a renowned history of boatbuilding and racing on the water.
The Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame was conceived as a focal point and venue to house, celebrate and preserve the boats and the stories that punctuate Canada’s race boat history. Poised to open in the summer of 2024, The Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame will feature the boats and stories that encompass our rich boating history.
Visitors to the Hall of Fame will see the big Unlimited race boats like the three-time world champion Miss Supertest III, which will be on permanent display along with Tempo VII on loan from the City of London with other winning boats from previous and subsequent decades. For young visitors there will be an interactive display for junior racers, male and female, provided by the Muskoka Seaflea Club.
As the only raceboat museum of its kind in Canada, the organizers and supporters realize their responsibility to both inform and entertain visitors as they experience great Canadian achievements in design, build and competitive racing.
The Canadian Raceboat Hall of Fame will be opening in the summer of 2024. It will be a destination the entire family can explore and enjoy.