
August 4 – ‘Muskoka Mystique’ Discussion with Patrick Boyer

Author J. Patrick Boyer returns to Muskoka Chautauqua again this summer to delve into the reasons for this lakeland district’s particular mystique. His far-reaching and deeply-considered analysis is bound to enrapture anyone connected with Muskoka as he challenges a number of myths, makes some overdue revisions to conventional wisdom about both full-time and seasonal Muskokans, and connects the dots of many related forces too often overlooked. In all, an entertaining and educational presentation to heighten the mystique of this far-famed community.

Boyer is a fifth-generation Muskokan who has been partner of a major Toronto law firm, member of the House of Commons representing a west Toronto constituency, and served as parliamentary secretary for External Affairs. With degrees in history, law, economics, and political science, he has taught university courses, hosted television programs, participated in democratic development programs overseas, and written more than 25 books.

For complete event details please follow the link provided.

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